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Panasonic hambavahede puhastaja EW1211W845
Скидка 6%

Panasonic hambavahede puhastaja EW1211W845

Võimsate veejugadega suuhooldus

The DentaCare mouthwash EW1211 is the compact supplement for your oral hygiene. The water jet dissolves the food from areas that do not reach even the best toothbrush and promotes the circulation of the gums through gentle massage pressure. A second pump can be used to select between a strong water jet and a water-air mixture for massage. Stubborn foodstuffs in the interdental spaces. An unclean feeling in the mouth. Do you know that? Then the mouthwash EW1211 is just right for you.

Цена: 50.69 € / 47.47 €

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